

王涛 教授










English Version





王涛,教授、IEEE高级会员。先后于01年及06年在浙江大学获得本科及博士学位。06年起在比利时鲁汶大学担任助理研究员,参与欧盟Framework Program 7项目 "Network of Excellence in Wireless Communications (NEWCOM)

王涛主持或参与10余项科研项目,包括国家自然科学基金项目,上海市科委国际合作项目。目前已发表三大检索论文共计50余篇,其中IEEE汇刊长文(Transactions, Journal13篇,发表的论文被国际专家学者多次引用,被SCI收录论文他引超过150余次,在Google Scholar中被他引超过500次。论文得到了中科院院士张贤达教授、IEEE Fellow(王晓东教授、丁峙教授等)等多位国内外著名专家学者的引用。曾担任SCIEURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking副主编,以及国际权威期刊IEEE JSAC, TIT, TWC, TCOM, TVT, TSP,审稿人,并多次被本领域国际会议邀请作Session Chair, 包括IEEE ICC等。王涛博士获得IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP 2013)最佳论文奖。













22017-2020:自然科学基金青年项目:保障用户最小速率需求的中继OFDMA网络高能效优化设计研究; 主持



52007-2012:欧盟FP7 - NEWCOM(Network of Excellence in Wireless Communications);参与




* Y. Wu, T. Wang, Energy-efficient resource allocation for OFDM transmission with opportunistic DF relaying, Proc. 2014 IEEE-ICCC.

* T. Wang and L. Vandendorpe, On the optimum energy efficiency for flat-fading channels with rate-dependent circuit power, IEEE Transactions on Communications.

 * T. Wang, On the optimum energy efficiency for flat-fading channels with rate-dependent circuit power: time invariant case, Proc. 2013 IEEE-WCSP(Best Paper Award)

* T. Wang, Y. Fang and L. Vandendorpe, Power minimization for OFDM Transmission with Subcarrier-pair based Opportunistic DF Relaying, IEEE Communications Letters.

* T. Wang, Weighted sum power minimization for multichannel decode-and-forward relaying, IET Electronics Letters.

* W. Li, T. Wang, C. Xiong, J. Wei, Dynamic Optimization for Resource Allocation in Relay Aided OFDMA Systems Under Multi-Service, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.

* T. Wang, F. Glineur, J. Louveaux, L. Vandendorpe, Weighted Sum Rate Maximization for Downlink OFDMA with Subcarrier-pair based Opportunistic DF Relaying, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.

* T. Wang and L. Vandendorpe, Sum rate maximized resource allocation for OFDM transmission with DF relaying, IEEE JSAC.

* T. Wang and L. Vandendorpe, Weighted sum rate maximization for OFDMA relay-aided systems with DF relaying, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.

* Z. Jin, T. Wang, J. Wei, L. Vandendorpe, Sum rate maximization for multi-cell downlink OFDMA with subcarrier-pair based opportunistic DF relaying, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking.

* Z. Jin, T. Wang, J. Wei, L. Vandendorpe, Weighted Sum of Per Cell Min-Rate Maximization for Multi-cell Downlink OFDMA with Opportunistic DF, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking.

* Z. Jin, T. Wang, J. Wei, L. Vandendorpe, Distributed algorithms for sum rate maximization in multi-cell downlink OFDMA with Opportunistic DF relaying, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking.

* R. Andreotti, T. Wang, L. Vincenzo, F. Giannetti, L. Vandendorpe, Resource Allocation via Max-min Goodput Optimization for BIC-OFDMA systems, IEEE Transactions on Communications.

* Y. Wu, B. Kuang, T. Wang, Q. W. Zhang, Min Wang, Minimum cost maximum flow algorithm for upstream bandwidth allocation in OFDMA passive optical networks, Optics Communications.

* T. Wang and L. Vandendorpe, Iterative resource allocation for maximizing WSMR in Downlink OFDMA systems, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.

* T. Wang and L. Vandendorpe, On the SCALE algorithm for dynamic spectrum management, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.

* T. Wang and L. Vandendorpe, Successive Convex Approximation based Methods for Dynamic Spectrum Management, Proc. 2012 IEEE-ICC.


 * T Wang, Error Correction Code Aided Channel Estimation, 德国LAP出版社, 2012(专著)

* Y. Pan, G. Zheng, T. Wang, Investigation of MIMO Channel Correlation and Capacity in Curved Subway Tunnel, IEEE Antenna and Wave Propagation Letters.

* Y. Wu, T. Wang, Y. Sun et. al., Limited feedback for cooperative multicell MIMO systems with multiple receive antennas, IEICE Trans. Commun.

* 曹铭,王勇,王涛一种新颖而简单的空时分组码设计方法,通信学报,2004

* M. Qian, Y. Jin, Z. Wu, T. Wang, Asynhronous Two-Way Relaying Networks Using Distributed Differential Space-Time Coding, International Journal on Antenna and Propagation

* Z. Wu, G. Li, T. Wang, Two-way Amplify-and-forward relaying with carrier offsets in the absence of CSI: Differential Modulation based Schemes, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking.

* Z. Wu, X. Li, T. Wang, Differential modulation for amplify-and-forward two-way relaying with carrier offsets, Proc. 2014 IEEE-ICC.

 * T. Wang, Cramer-Rao Bound for Localization with A Priori Knowledge on Biased Range Measurments, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems.

* T. Wang, G. Leus, L. Huang, Ranging energy optimization for robust sensor positioning based on se_midefinite programming, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, 2009.

* T. Wang, Ranging energy optimization for a TDOA-based distributed robust sensor positioning system, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2010

* T. Wang, Novel sensor location scheme using TOA estimates, IET Signal Processing.

* Y. Wu, Y. S. Zhu, S. H. Leung, T. Wang, Low-complexity code tracking loop with multipath diversity for GNSS over multipath fading channels, Acta Astronautica. 

* T. Wang, Improving processing gain of UWB systems with NBI by signal parameter slection independent of TH codes, European Transactions on Telecommunications, vol. 16, no. 6, p.p. 567571, Nov./Dec. 2005

 * T. Wang, Z. N. Chen, and K. Chen, Effect of slecting antenna and template on BER performance in pulsed UWB wireless communication systems, Proc. Antenna Tech. Small Antennas and Novel Metamaterials, vol. 1, p.p. 446-449, 7-9/March 2005

* T. Wang, Y. Wang, and K. Chen, 一种基于二分法的平面螺旋电感的快速优化技术, 半导体学报, vol. 24, no. 9, p.p. 999-1004, Sep. 2003

* L. Huang, Y. Fang and T. Wang, A method to improve convergence performance of ILC systems over wireless networks in presence of channel noise, IET Control Theory & Applications.

  * L. Huang, Y. Fang and T. Wang, Convergence analysis of wireless remote iterative learning control systems with channel noise, Asia Journal of Control.


