王涛 教授 |
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上海大学宝山校区东区翔英楼425室 |
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个人简介(简历) 王涛,教授、IEEE高级会员。先后于01年及06年在浙江大学获得本科及博士学位。06年起在比利时鲁汶大学担任助理研究员,参与欧盟Framework Program
7项目 "Network of Excellence in Wireless
Communications (NEWCOM)。 王涛主持或参与10余项科研项目,包括国家自然科学基金项目,上海市科委国际合作项目。目前已发表三大检索论文共计50余篇,其中IEEE汇刊长文(Transactions,
Scholar中被他引超过500次。论文得到了中科院院士张贤达教授、IEEE Fellow(王晓东教授、丁峙教授等)等多位国内外著名专家学者的引用。曾担任SCIEURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking副主编,以及国际权威期刊IEEE JSAC, TIT, TWC, TCOM, TVT, TSP,审稿人,并多次被本领域国际会议邀请作Session Chair, 包括IEEE ICC等。王涛博士获得IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications and
Signal Processing (WCSP 2013)最佳论文奖。 科研方向 高能效无线通信或信号处理系统的优化设计 本科生教学 通信原理、物联网技术、穿越古今纵览无线电技术· 研究生教学 无线通信技术、无线通信系统 · 承担或参与的科研项目 (1)2017-2020:自然科学基金面上项目:采用机会载波配对波束成形的OFDMA下行网络高能效资源分配理论和方法,主持 (2)2017-2020:自然科学基金青年项目:保障用户最小速率需求的中继OFDMA网络高能效优化设计研究; 主持 (3)2013-2015:上海市科委国际合作项目:无线体域网的高能效物理层传输技术;参与 (4)2011-2013:比利时FNRS项目:多蜂窝干扰下OFDMA网络资源分配;主持 (5)2007-2012:欧盟FP7 - NEWCOM(Network of Excellence in Wireless Communications);参与 学术论文及授权发明专利 1、MAC层设计和优化 * Y. Wu, T. Wang, Energy-efficient resource allocation for OFDM
transmission with opportunistic DF relaying, Proc.
2014 IEEE-ICCC. * T. Wang and L. Vandendorpe, On the optimum energy efficiency for flat-fading
channels with rate-dependent circuit power, IEEE Transactions on
Communications. * T. Wang, On the optimum energy efficiency for flat-fading
channels with rate-dependent circuit power: time invariant case,
Proc. 2013 IEEE-WCSP(Best Paper Award) * T. Wang,
Y. Fang and L. Vandendorpe, Power
minimization for OFDM Transmission with Subcarrier-pair based Opportunistic
DF Relaying, IEEE Communications Letters. * T. Wang, Weighted sum power minimization for multichannel
decode-and-forward relaying, IET Electronics Letters. * W. Li, T. Wang,
C. Xiong, J. Wei, Dynamic
Optimization for Resource Allocation in Relay Aided OFDMA Systems Under
Multi-Service, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. * T. Wang, F. Glineur, J. Louveaux, L.
Vandendorpe, Weighted
Sum Rate Maximization for Downlink OFDMA with Subcarrier-pair based
Opportunistic DF Relaying, IEEE Transactions on Signal
Processing. * T. Wang and L. Vandendorpe, Sum rate maximized resource allocation for OFDM
transmission with DF relaying, IEEE JSAC. * T. Wang and L. Vandendorpe, Weighted sum rate maximization for OFDMA relay-aided
systems with DF relaying, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. * Z. Jin, T. Wang,
J. Wei, L. Vandendorpe, Sum rate
maximization for multi-cell downlink OFDMA with subcarrier-pair based
opportunistic DF relaying, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications
and Networking. * Z. Jin, T. Wang,
J. Wei, L. Vandendorpe, Weighted
Sum of Per Cell Min-Rate Maximization for Multi-cell Downlink OFDMA with
Opportunistic DF, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and
Networking. * Z. Jin, T. Wang,
J. Wei, L. Vandendorpe, Distributed
algorithms for sum rate maximization in multi-cell downlink OFDMA with
Opportunistic DF relaying, EURASIP Journal on Wireless
Communications and Networking. * R. Andreotti, T. Wang,
L. Vincenzo, F. Giannetti, L. Vandendorpe, Resource
Allocation via Max-min Goodput Optimization for BIC-OFDMA systems,
IEEE Transactions on Communications. * Y. Wu, B. Kuang, T. Wang,
Q. W. Zhang, Min Wang, Minimum
cost maximum flow algorithm for upstream bandwidth allocation in OFDMA
passive optical networks, Optics Communications. * T. Wang and L. Vandendorpe, Iterative resource allocation
for maximizing WSMR in Downlink OFDMA systems, IEEE Transactions
on Signal Processing. * T. Wang and L. Vandendorpe, On the SCALE algorithm for dynamic spectrum
management, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. * T. Wang and L. Vandendorpe, Successive Convex Approximation based Methods for
Dynamic Spectrum Management, Proc. 2012 IEEE-ICC.
* T Wang, Error Correction
Code Aided Channel Estimation, 德国LAP出版社, 2012(专著) * Y. Pan, G. Zheng, T. Wang, Investigation of MIMO Channel Correlation and
Capacity in Curved Subway Tunnel, IEEE Antenna and Wave
Propagation Letters. * Y. Wu, T. Wang,
Y. Sun et. al., Limited feedback
for cooperative multicell MIMO systems with multiple receive antennas,
IEICE Trans. Commun. * 曹铭,王勇,王涛,一种新颖而简单的空时分组码设计方法,通信学报,2004 * M. Qian, Y. Jin, Z. Wu, T. Wang, Asynhronous Two-Way Relaying Networks Using
Distributed Differential Space-Time Coding, International Journal
on Antenna and Propagation * Z. Wu, G. Li, T. Wang, Two-way Amplify-and-forward relaying with carrier
offsets in the absence of CSI: Differential Modulation based Schemes,
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. * Z. Wu, X. Li, T. Wang, Differential modulation for amplify-and-forward
two-way relaying with carrier offsets, Proc. 2014 IEEE-ICC. * T. Wang, Cramer-Rao Bound for Localization with A Priori
Knowledge on Biased Range Measurments, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace
and Electronic Systems. * T. Wang,
G. Leus, L. Huang, Ranging
energy optimization for robust sensor positioning based on se_midefinite
programming, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, 2009. * T. Wang, Ranging energy optimization for a TDOA-based distributed
robust sensor positioning system, International Journal of
Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2010 * T. Wang, Novel sensor location scheme using TOA estimates,
IET Signal Processing. * Y. Wu, Y. S. Zhu, S. H. Leung, T. Wang, Low-complexity code tracking loop with multipath
diversity for GNSS over multipath fading channels, Acta
Astronautica. * T. Wang, Improving processing gain of UWB systems with NBI
by signal parameter slection independent of TH codes, European
Transactions on Telecommunications, vol. 16, no. 6, p.p. 567–571,
Nov./Dec. 2005 * T. Wang,
Z. N. Chen, and K. Chen, Effect of
slecting antenna and template on BER performance in pulsed UWB wireless
communication systems, Proc. Antenna Tech. Small Antennas and
Novel Metamaterials, vol. 1, p.p. 446-449, 7-9/March 2005 * T. Wang,
Y. Wang, and K. Chen, 一种基于二分法的平面螺旋电感的快速优化技术, 半导体学报,
vol. 24, no. 9, p.p. 999-1004, Sep. 2003 * L. Huang, Y. Fang and T. Wang, A method to improve convergence performance of
ILC systems over wireless networks in presence of channel noise,
IET Control Theory & Applications. * L. Huang, Y. Fang and T. Wang, Convergence analysis of wireless remote iterative
learning control systems with channel noise, Asia Journal of
Control. |