王瑞 教授 |
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上海市宝山区南陈路333号翔英楼455室 |
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上海市上大路99号上海大学十大网赌博正规信誉网址(200444) |
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021-66130058 |
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rwang@shu.edu.cn |
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个人简介(Biography) 王瑞(男),教授,博士,山西运城人。IEEE高级会员,中国电子学会高级会员,中国研究生电子设计竞赛专家委员会委员、评审专家,国家自然科学基金委员会(NSFC)信息学部函评专家,上海市科技专家库专家。主要研究领域:天地一体化物联网技术、智能信息处理、模式识别、几何代数。近年来主持国家级科研项目4项、国家级教改项目1项、企业委托项目40余项。出版专著3部,发表学术论文130余篇,其中SCI检索50余篇,创新实践教材4本,获国家专利授权3项,软件著作权6项。指导学生科创竞赛获国家级一等奖2项、二等奖4项、三等奖5项。2017年获宝钢优秀教师奖,2018年获上海市教学成果一等奖。 Dr. Wang R received his B.S. and
Ph.D. degree both in Electronics and Information Engineering from Xidian University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China, in 2004 and in
2009, respectively. Now he is currently the full professor in School of
Communication and Information Engineering, Shanghai University, China, and
the senior member of IEEE, and Chinese Institute of Electronics. Recently, he
serves as technical project evaluation expert for Shanghai Municipality,
National Natural Science Foundation of China. He was awarded outstanding
teacher award of baosteel in China, 2017. Dr. Wang's research interests
include Internet of Things, Intelligent Information Processing, Pattern
Recognition. His researches are supported by National Natural Science
Foundation of China (NSFC), Key projects of the ministry of education of
China, China Academy of Railway Sciences, Foundation of Science and
Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, Shanghai academy of
environmental sciences, and so on. He firstly introduced the theory of
geometric algebra to the field of multi-dimensional signal processing. Until
now, he has published 7 books, more than 130 scientific papers including IEEE
obtained 3 patent applications and registered 6 software copyrights in China. 科研方向(Research Interests) 天地一体化物联网技术、智能信息处理、模式识别 Internet of
Things, Intelligent Information Processing, Pattern Recognition 学术经历(Academic Experiences) 2009——至今 十大网赌博正规信誉网址
历任讲师、副教授、教授 2005——2009 西安电子科技大学 信号与信息处理 工学博士 2004——2005 西安电子科技大学 通信与信息系统 硕士研究生 2000——2004 西安电子科技大学 电子信息工程 工学学士 本科教学(Undergraduate Education) 核心通识课:信息工程与社会 专业基础课:工程教育高级、电子电工实验系列课程 专业选修课:物联网技术、计算机通信网络、面向对象程序设计 每年招收毕业设计4-6名、优秀本科生2-4名 研究生培养(Postgraduate Education) 研究生课程:物联网技术 中法合作课程:“MVP in 36H”创新课程 每年招收博士研究生、硕士研究生3-5名(Master/Doctoral Student Recruitment 3-5/year) 获奖情况(Honors and Awards) 2018年获上海市教学成果一等奖,排名第五 2017年度宝钢优秀教师奖 2017年上海大学教学成果奖特等奖1项,一等奖1项 2017年度获上海大学基础教育贡献奖 2013年度上海大学蔡冠深优秀青年教师 2011-2012年度上海大学实验室建设先进工作者 指导学生竞赛获奖情况(Awards in national student competitions) 近年来指导学生参加电子设计、物联网、嵌入式、机甲大师等科创类竞赛,获国家级一等奖2项、二等奖4项、三等奖5项;省部级一等奖4项、二等奖3项。代表竞赛作品有: [1] 2013年“智能家居”作品在北京获第三届全国大学生物联网创新应用设计大赛二等奖。 [2] 2015年 “智能伞架”作品在无锡获全国大学生物联网设计竞赛(TI杯)全国一等奖,工博会参展项目。 [3] 2015年“智能指路牌”作品在杭州获第十届中国研究生电子设计竞赛全国一等奖,TOP10,工博会参展项目。 [4] 2015年组织作品参加上海国际科普产品博览会,被授予“最佳创新产品奖”。 [5] 2016年“混合现实智慧之窗” 作品在上海获英特尔杯嵌入式系统专题邀请赛全国二等奖。 [6] 2018年“乐动心声—人人都是音乐家” 作品在上海获英特尔杯嵌入式系统专题邀请赛全国二等奖。 [7] 2019年在深圳获Robomaster 2019机甲大师单项赛·总决赛步兵对抗全国二等奖。 科研项目(Research Projects) [1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于几何代数的分布式多观测矢量数据流建模与分类”,60万,2018/01-2021/12,主持 [2] 国防科技创新特区科研项目,2019/10-2021/07,200万,主持 [3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目“超声兰姆波与复合材料脱层缺陷相互作用研究”,2015/01-2018/12,第二 [4] 国家自然科学基金青年项目“复杂场景下基于稀疏表示的声振传感器网络协同分类识别”, 28万,2014/01-2016/12,主持 [5] 上海环境科学研究所合作项目“飞行器航拍图像处理系统研制”,2016.8-
2017.12,主持 [6] 中国科学院上海天文台合作项目“氢钟智能化监控系统”,2016.3-
2017.12,主持 [7] 企业合作项目“犹太人难民纪念馆多媒体总控项目”,2014.12-2015.12,承担 [8] 企业合作项目“西安浐灞国家湿地公园科技馆智能控制项目”,2013.5 -2013.12,承担 [9] 企业合作项目“南昌共青城鄱阳湖生态经济区规划馆智能控制项目”,2013.7 -2014.6,承担 [10] 上海市高校教师产学研践习计划项目“城市3D建模与漫游技术”,2012.4-2013.4,主持 [11] 上海优秀青年教师科研专项“传感器网络不确定覆盖方法研究”,2012.4-2013.4,主持 [12] 上海大学创新基金“传感器网络覆盖定位中的模糊信息处理方法研究”,2012.4-2013.4,主持 [13] 企业合作项目“TD-LTE网络测试验证及优化策略研究”,2012.4-2013.4,第二 [14] 上海市科委重点项目“微型化多模无线视音频终端产品和应用系统的研发”子课题“微型化多模无线视音频传输系统分析与产品测试”,2010.07-2012.6,第二 [15] 其他主持的企业合作项目(2014-2019年):“石油实验控制装置”,“远距离视频图传监控系统”,“共享伞架”,“智能监控摄像头”,“无人机相关应用”,“交互式幻影成像”,“混合现实展示窗”,“全景漫游系统”,“陀螺仪监测系统”,“智能家居控制系统”,“智慧指路牌”等。 著作(Books) [1] Wang R, Cao W M.
Geometric Algebra in Multi-dimensional Signal Processing,Science Press China(科学出版社),2019.2 [专著] [2] Cao W M,Wang R,Geometric Algebra in Information
Science,Science Press China(科学出版社),2018. 4 [专著] [3] 曹文明,王瑞,传感器网络覆盖定位模糊信息处理方法,电子工业出版社,2010.6 [专著] [4] 丁晓青,王瑞,四旋翼飞行器开发与应用实训案例集萃,清华大学出版社,2020.11. [创新教材] [5] 田金鹏,王瑞,电子电路软件仿真实验教程,清华大学出版社,2020.6 [创新教材] [6] 王瑞,丁晓青,四旋翼飞行器设计与实现,清华大学出版社,2018.4 [创新教材] [7] 王瑞,何平,冯玉田,电子电工仿真实验技术,清华大学出版社,2014.1 [创新教材] 代表期刊论文(Selected Journal Papers) [1] Yu W, Li Y P, Wang R*, Cao W M and Xiang W. PCFN:
Progressive Cross-Modal Fusion Network for Human Pose Transfer. IEEE
Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. 2022.12, 1-14. 10.1109/TCSVT.2022.3233060. [2] Li Y P, Wang Y, Wang R*, Wang Y, Wang K L, Wang X Y,
Cao W M*, Wei Xiang. GA-CNN: Convolutional Neural Network based on Geometric
Algebra for Hyperspectral Image Classification. IEEE Transactions on
Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2022, 1-14. DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2022.3212682. Online
ISSN: 1558-0644.
[3] Wang
Wang Y, Li Y P*, Cao W M. Research on Geometric Algebra-Based Robust Adaptive
Filtering Algorithms in Wireless Communication Systems. EURASIP Journal on
Wireless Communications and Networking. 2022. 10.1186/s13638-022-02100-y. [4] Wang R, Wu W Y, Wang X Y*. Enhancing multi-scale information
exchange and feature fusion for human pose estimation. The Visual Computer,
2022, pp:1-15.
[5] Wang R, Geng F D, Wang X Y*. MTPose: Human Pose Estimation with High-Resolution
Multi-scale Transformers. Neural Processing Letters, 2022, pp:1-24. [6] Wang R, Liu R Y, Li Y P, Wang X Y*. Learning Enriched Global
Context Information for Human Pose Estimation .
Neural Processing Letters. 2022, 54. 1-16. [7] Wang
Fang N, He Y M, Li Y P, Cao W M, Wang H Q. Multi-modal Medical Image Fusion
Based on Geometric Algebra Discrete Cosine Transform. Advances in Applied
Clifford Algebras. 2022. 32. 10.1007/s00006-021-01197-6. [8] Lu S Y, Xie Y N, Wang R*,
Luo T, Xu Z B, Yu X Y. An Algorithm for Retrieving the 2-D Distribution of
Moderate Rain by X-SAR. Remote Sensing. 2022, 14 (16): 4081. [9] Luo T, Xie Y N, Wang R*,
Yu X Y. An Analytic Solution to Precipitation Attenuation Expression with
Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Based on Volterra Integral Equation.
Remote Sensing. 2022, 14(2), 357. [10] Geng F D, Ding Q, Wu
W Y, Wang X Y, Li Y P, Sun J H and Wang
R*. Light-Efficient Channel Attention in CNN for Tic Recognition in the
Children with Tic Disorders. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 2022,
16, 1047954: 1-8. [11] Ping Li, Wang T, Wang R, Wu Y T, Sun Y Z,
Energy-Efficiency Strategy for Soft Synchronization FMCW Radar, IEEE
Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2022, 71: 1-11. [12] Wang
Shen M M, Wang X Y, Cao W M. RGA-CNNs:
Convolutional Neural Networks based on Reduced Geometric Algebra, SCIENCE
CHINA Information Sciences, 2021, 64(2): 129101. [13] Wang R, Xia X Y, Li Y P, Cao W M*. Clifford Fuzzy Support
Vector Machine for Regression and Its Application in Electric Load
Forecasting of Energy System. Frontiers in Energy Research. 2021. 9.
10.3389/fenrg.2021.793078. [14] Wang X Y, Tong J
W, Wang R*, Attention Refined
Network for Human Pose Estimation, Neural Processing Letters, 2021, 53(4):
2853-2872. [15] Wang H Q, He Y M, Li Y P, Wang R*. An Approach to Adaptive
Filtering with Variable Step Size Based on Geometric Algebra. IET
Communications. 2021,1-12. 10.1049/cmu2.12188. [16] Li P, Wang T, Wang R, Sun Y Z, Wu Y T, Huang
L X. FFBV Algorithm Design for Soft Synchronization FMCW Radar. IEEE
Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2021, 21,3059319: 1-11. [17] Luo Y, Dong N, Pei Y, Qian F,
Wang R, Cui H R, Yang G L, Hu X J.
A Sensitive Glucose Sensor Based on Active Metamaterial with Programmable
States, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021, 21(21): 24038-24047. [18] Wang H Q, Wang X
Y, Shi Y J, Li Y P, Qian C H, Wang R*.
A Novel Approach of Intelligent Computing for Multiperson
Pose Estimation with Deep High Spatial Resolution and Multiscale Features,
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2021. DOI: 10.1155/2021/ 4948067 [19] Wang R, Tong J W, Wang X Y*, Enhancing feature fusion for
human pose estimation, Machine Vision and Applications, 2020, 31(7): 1-9. [20] Tang L, Li J,
Chen J L, Wang S Y, Wang R, Hu X G.
Seismic Impact of Large Earthquakes on Estimating Global Mean Ocean Mass
Change from GRACE, Remote Sensing, 2020, 12(6): 935. [21] Wang R, Shi Y J, Cao W M*, GA-SURF: A new Speeded-Up robust
feature extraction algorithm for multispectral images based on geometric
algebra, Pattern Recognition Letters, 2019, 127: 11-17. [22] Wang R, Shen M M, Wang T, Cao W M*.
L1-Norm Minimization for Multi-dimensional Signals Based on Geometric
Algebra, Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 2019, 29(33): 1-18. [23] Wang R, Shen M M, Wang T, Cao W M*.
Multi-task hybrid dictionary learning for vehicle classification in sensor
networks, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2018, 14(11):1-15. [24] Wang R, Cao W M, He Z H. Vehicle recognition in acoustic
sensor networks using multiple kernel sparse representation over learned
dictionaries. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2017,
13(4): 155014771770143. [25] Wang R, Zhou Y X, Jin Y L, Cao W M.
Sparse Fast Clifford Fourier Transform. Frontiers of Information Technology
& Electronic Engineering, 2017 18(8):1131-1141. [26] Wang R, Guo S L, Li Y P, Zhang Y Z. Fisher Discriminative
Dictionary Learning for Vehicle Classification in Acoustic Sensor Networks.
Journal of Signal Processing Systems for Signal Image and Video Technology,
2016.1.26, 70(2):1-9. [27] Wang R, Zhang X Y, Cao W M. Clifford Fuzzy Support Vector Machines
for Classification. Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 2016.6.01, 26(2):
825-846. 专利(Patents) [1] 智能伞架,发明专利,201510637271.2,已受理,第一 [2] 电控伞锁装置,实用新型专利,2015 2 0768760.7,已授权,第一 [3] 单轴多层精确旋转装置,实用新型专利,ZL 2015 2
0743603.0,已授权,第一 学术兼职 IEEE高级会员,中国电子学会高级会员 中国研究生电子设计竞赛专家委员会委员、评审专家 国家自然科学基金委员会(NSFC)信息学部函评专家 上海市科技专家库专家 |