肖诗逸 教授 博士生导师 |
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【教育经历】 2007--2013年
复旦大学物理系 理科博士(PhD) 2003--2007年
同济大学应用物理系 学士(BSc) 【工作经历】 2016--至今2 上海大学十大网赌博正规信誉网址
特聘教授 2014--2016年
英国伯明翰大学 博士后(Research fellow) 【研究领域】 长期从事电磁超材料(metamaterials)、纳米光子学(nanophotonics)等领域的研究。共发SCI收录论文41篇,其中第一/通信作者一区论文7篇(1篇ESI高被引),包含1篇Nature Materials,1篇Nature
Communications,2篇Nanophotonics等,论文共被引用2300余次(Web of science索引)。 【荣获奖项】 1.2012年中国光学重要成果(3/6) 2.2014年“上海市优秀博士论文” 3.2016年上海市东方学者计划 4.2018年上海市青年启明星计划 5.2019年国家自然科学二等奖(5/5) 【讲授课程】 1.电磁场理论(本科生课程,2016-) 2.复杂媒质中的电磁波(研究生课程,2017-) 3.电子技术进展(研究生课程,2017-2018) 【主持的主要科研项目】 1.国家自然科学基金:电磁超表面中近场耦合微观机理及应用研究,2018-2020 2.上海市科委项目:基于超表面的新型光电器件机理及应用研究,2018-2021 3.上海市科委项目:基于可调电磁超材料的非厄米光学研究,2017-2019 4.上海市科委项目:上海市东方学者计划,2016-2019 5.研究所项目:基于太阳电池翼一体化导电屏蔽功能膜,2018-2020 6.研究所项目:基于表面等离激元的小型化宽带微带天线阵,2018-2020 7.横向项目:先进电磁功能天线罩技术开发,2018-2019 8.横向项目:表面等离激元增强量子阱吸收机理研究,2019-2020 9.横向项目:先进时域频域光学信号发生、收集及探测系统开发,2019-2020 【研究生培养】 在读博士生: 2019级:李秋实 在读研究生: 2019级:周桃磊、陈燕、祝晟 2018级:胡中(发表论文在激光与光电子学进展上并被评为优秀论文)、陈艳蕊、汤蓉 毕业研究生: 2018级: 郝颖超(中国移动通信集团上海有限公司) 2017级: 杨博文(爱德万测试管理有限公司,发表论文在一区杂志Science Bulletin上并作为期刊封面) 2016级: 郑文琳(宝付网络科技有限公司) 李跃(上海XXX研究院,发表论文在一区杂志Advanced Optical Materials上) 【招生方向】 招收具有电磁场与微波技术、物理学、光学等研究背景的本科生、研究生及博士后。 【著作】 1.Metamaterials: Theory, Design and Applications,Tie Jun Cui, David Smith, Ruopeng Liu,ISBN:978-1-4419-0572-7S,pringer, 参与撰写Photonic Metamaterials Based on Fractal Geometry章节。 【期刊论文】 1. Wanxia Huang, Jing
Lin, Meng Qiu, Tong Liu, Qiong
He, Shiyi Xiao, Lei
Zhou. A complete phase diagram for dark-bright coupled plasmonic systems:
applicability of Fano’s formula[J]. Nanophotonics,
2020, 1(ahead-of-print).(通信作者,IF=6.908,一区) 2. Yue Li, Jing Lin, Huijie
Guo, Wujiong Sun, Shiyi
Xiao, Lei Zhou. A tunable metasurface with
switchable functionalities: from perfect transparency to perfect
absorption[J]. Advanced Optical Materials, 2020, 8(6): 1901548. (通信作者,IF=7.125,一区) 3. Shulin Sun, Qiong He, Jiaming Hao, Shiyi
Xiao, Lei Zhou. Electromagnetic metasurfaces:
physics and applications[J]. Advances in Optics and Photonics, 2019, 11(2):
380-479. (IF=13.963,一区) 4. Zhong Hu, Tao Xu, Rong Tang, Shiyi Xiao. 几何相位电磁超表面:从原理到应用[J].激光与光电子学进展,2019,56(20):202408. (通信作者,IF=1.284,中文核心) 5. Bowen Yang, Tong Liu, Huijie
Guo, Shiyi Xiao, Lei
Zhou. High-performance meta-devices based on multilayer meta-atoms: interplay
between the number of layers and phase coverage[J]. Science Bulletin, 2019, 64(12):
823-835. (通信作者,IF=6.277,一区) 6. Fuxin Guan, Shulin
Sun, Shiyi Xiao, Qiong He, Lei Zhou. Scatterings from surface plasmons to
propagating waves at plasmonic discontinuities[J]. Science Bulletin, 2019,
64(12): 802-807. (IF=6.277,一区) 7. Fuxin Guan, Shulin
Sun, Shaojie Ma, Zhening
Fang, Baocheng Zhu, Xin Li, Qiong He, Shiyi Xiao, Lei Zhou.
Transmission/reflection behaviors of surface plasmons at an interface between
two plasmonic systems[J]. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2018, 30(11).
(IF=2.711,三区) 8. Huijie Guo, Jing
Lin, Meng Qiu, Junxia Tian, Qian Wang, Yue Li, Shulin Sun, Qiong He, Shiyi Xiao, Lei Zhou. Flat
optical transparent window: mechanism and realization based on metasurfaces[J]. Journal of Physics D, 2017, 51(7). (通信作者,IF=2.829,三区) 9. Yineng Liu, Jinying Xu, Shiyi
Xiao, Xianzhong Chen, Jensen Li. Metasurface Approach to External Cloak and Designer
Cavities[J]. ACS Photonics, 2018, 5(5): 1749-1754. (IF=7.143,一区) 10. Qiong He, Shulin Sun, Shiyi
Xiao, Lei Zhou. High‐Efficiency Metasurfaces:
Principles, Realizations, and Applications[J]. Advanced Optical Materials,
2018, 6(19). (IF=7.125,一区) 11. James Gear, Yong Sun, Shiyi
Xiao, Liwen Zhang, Richard Fitzgerald,
Stefan Rotter, Hong Chen, Jensen Li. Unidirectional zero reflection as gauged
parity-time symmetry[J]. New Journal of Physics, 2017, 19(12). (IF=3.773,二区) 12. Shiyi
Xiao, Jiarong Wang, Fu Liu, Shuang Zhang,
Xiaobo Yin, Jensen Li. Spin-dependent optics with metasurfaces[J].
Nanophotonics, 2017, 6(1): 215-234. (第一作者,IF=6.908,一区) 13. Shiyi
Xiao, James Gear, Stefan Rotter, Jensen Li. Effective PT-symmetric metasurfaces for subwavelength amplified sensing[J]. New
Journal of Physics, 2016, 18(8). (第一作者,IF=3.773,二区) 14. Pengjiang Wei, Shiyi Xiao, Yadong Xu, Huanyang Chen, Sai Tak Chu, Jensen Li. Metasurface-loaded
waveguide for transformation optics applications[J]. Journal of Optics, 2016,
18(4). (IF=2.753,三区) 15. Shaojie Ma, Shiyi Xiao, Lei Zhou.
Resonant modes in metal/insulator/metal metamaterials: An analytical study on
near-field couplings[J]. Physical Review B, 2016, 93(4). (IF=3.736,二区) 16. Shiyi
Xiao, Holger Mühlenbernd, Guixin Li, Mitchell Kenney, Fu Liu, Thomas Zentgraf, Shuang Zhang, Jensen Li. Helicity‐Preserving
Omnidirectional Plasmonic Mirror[J]. Advanced Optical Materials, 2016, 4(5):
654-658. (第一作者,IF=6.908,一区) 17. Fu Liu, Saisai
Wang, Shiyi Xiao, Zhi Hong Hang, Jensen Li. Polarization-dependent optics
using gauge-field metamaterials[J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2015, 107(24). (IF= 3.521,二区) 18. Shiyi Xiao,
Fan Zhong, Hui Liu, Shining Zhu, Jensen Li. Flexible coherent control of
plasmonic spin-Hall effect[J]. Nature Communications, 2015, 6(1): 8360-8360. (第一作者,IF= 11.878,一区) 19. Weijie Luo, Shiyi Xiao, Qiong He, Shulin Sun, Lei Zhou.
Photonic spin Hall effect with nearly 100% efficiency[J]. Advanced Optical
Materials, 2015, 3(8): 1102-1108. (IF=7.125,一区) 20. Meng Qiu, Shiyi Xiao, Qiong He, Shulin Sun, Lei Zhou,
Robert Boeck, Michael Caverley,
Lukas Chrostowski, Nicolas AF Jaeger. Experimental
verifications on an effective model for photonic coupling[J]. Optics letters,
2015, 40(2): 272-275. (IF=
3.866,二区) 21. Fu Liu, Shiyi
Xiao, Ari Sihvola, Jensen Li. Perfect
co-circular polarization reflector: a class of reciprocal perfect conductors
with total co-circular polarization reflection[J]. IEEE Transactions on
Antennas and Propagation, 2014, 62(12): 6274-6281. (IF= 4.435,二区) 22. Baocheng Zhu, Shiyi
Xiao, Lei Zhou. Optimum shape for metallic taper arrays to harvest
light[J]. Physical Review B, 2014, 90(4): 045110. (IF= 3.736,二区) 23. Shiwei Tang,
Baocheng Zhu, Shiyi Xiao,
Jung-Tsung Shen, Lei Zhou. Low-threshold optical bistabilities
in ultrathin nonlinear metamaterials[J]. Optics Letters, 2014, 39(11):
3212-3215. (IF= 3.866,二区) 24. Bin Xi, Meng Qiu, Shiyi Xiao, Hao Xu, Lei Zhou.
Effective model for plasmonic coupling: A rigorous derivation[J]. Physical
Review B, 2014, 89(3): 035110. (IF= 3.736,二区) 25. Qiong He, Shiyi Xiao, Xin Li, Lei Zhou.
Optic-null medium: realization and applications[J]. Optics Express, 2013,
21(23): 28948-28959. (IF=
3.561,二区) 26. Shiyi
Xiao, Qiong He, Che Qu, Xin Li, Shulin Sun, Lei Zhou. Mode-expansion theory for inhomogeneous
meta-surfaces[J]. Optics Express, 2013, 21(22): 27219-27237. (第一作者,IF= 3.561,二区) 27. Kun Ding, Shiyi Xiao, Lei Zhou. New
frontiers in metamaterials research: Novel electronic materials and
inhomogeneous metasurfaces[J]. Frontiers of Physics,
2013, 8(4): 386-393. (IF=
2.483,二区) 28. Zhengyong Song, Xin
Li, Jiaming Hao, Shiyi Xiao,
Meng Qiu, Qiong He, Shaojie Ma, Lei Zhou. Tailor the surface-wave properties
of a plasmonic metal by a metamaterial capping[J]. Optics Express, 2013,
21(15): 18178-18187. (IF=3.561,二区) 29. Che Qu, Shiyi
Xiao, Shulin Sun, Qiong
He, Lei Zhou. A theoretical study on the conversion efficiencies of gradient
meta-surfaces[J]. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 2013,
101(5): 54002. (IF=1.886,三区) 30. Zhengyong Song, Xin
Li, Jiaming Hao, Shiyi Xiao,
Meng Qiu, Qiong He, Shaojie Ma, Lei Zhou. Tailor the surface-wave properties
of a plasmonic metal by a metamaterial capping[J]. Optics Express, 2013,
21(15): 18178-18187. (IF=3.561,二区) 31. Zhengyong Song, Shiyi Xiao, Qiong He, Shulin Sun, Lei Zhou.
Transparent metals and inhomogeneous meta-surfaces[J]. Terahertz Sci. Tech,
2013, 6: 125-146. (IF=3.03,三区) 32. Shulin Sun, Kuang-Yu Yang, Chih-Ming Wang,
Ta-Ko Juan, Wei Ting Chen, Chun Yen Liao, Qiong He,
Shiyi Xiao, Wen-Ting
Kung, Guang-Yu Guo, Lei Zhou, Din Ping Tsai.
High-efficiency broadband anomalous reflection by gradient meta-surfaces[J].
Nano letters, 2012, 12(12): 6223-6229. (IF= 12.279,一区,ESI) 33. Xin Li, Shiyi
Xiao, Bengeng Cai, Qiong
He, Tie Jun Cui, Lei Zhou. Flat metasurfaces to
focus electromagnetic waves in reflection geometry[J]. Optics letters, 2012,
37(23): 4940-4942. (IF=3.866,二区,ESI) 34. Zhengyong Song, Qiong He, Shiyi
Xiao, Lei Zhou. Making a continuous metal film transparent via
scattering cancellations[J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2012, 101(18): 181110. (IF= 3.521,二区) 35. Shulin Sun, Qiong He, Shiyi
Xiao, Qin Xu, Xin Li, Lei Zhou. Gradient-index meta-surfaces as a
bridge linking propagating waves and surface waves[J]. Nature materials,
2012, 11(5): 426-431. (第一作者,IF=38.887,一区,ESI) 36. Shiyi Xiao,
Qiong He, Xueqin Huang, Shiwei Tang, Lei Zhou. Enhancement of light-matter interactions
in slow-wave metasurfaces[J]. Physical Review B,
2012, 85(8): 085125. (第一作者,IF= 3.736,二区) 37. Saifeng Zhang, Yuan
Li, Guojin Feng, Baocheng Zhu, Shiyi
Xiao, Lei Zhou, Li Zhao. Strong infrared absorber: surface-microstructured Au film replicated from black silicon[J].
Optics Express, 2011, 19(21): 20462-20467. (IF=3.561,二区) 38. Shiyi
Xiao, Qiong He, Xueqing
Huang, Lei Zhou. Super imaging with a plasmonic metamaterial: role of
aperture shape[J]. Metamaterials, 2011, 5(2-3): 112-118. (第一作者,IF=2.973,三区) 39. Hengliang Wang, Zhenghua An, Che Qu, Shiyi
Xiao, Lei Zhou, Susumu Komiyama, Wei Lu, Xuechu
Shen, Paul K Chu. Optimization of optoelectronic plasmonic structures[J]. Plasmonics, 2011, 6(2): 319-325. (IF= 2.926,三区) 40. Bin Xi, Hao Xu, Shiyi
Xiao, Lei Zhou. Theory of coupling in dispersive photonic systems[J].
Physical Review B, 2011, 83(16): 165115. (IF= 3.736,二区) 41. Hao Xu, Qiong He, Shiyi Xiao, Bin Xi, Jiaming
Hao, Lei Zhou. Tight-binding analysis of coupling effects in
metamaterials[J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, 109(2): 023103. (IF= 2.328,三区) 42. Xueqin Huang, Shiyi Xiao, Dexin Ye, Jiangtao Huangfu, Zhiyu Wang, Lixin Ran, Lei Zhou. Fractal plasmonic metamaterials for
subwavelength imaging[J]. Optics Express, 2010, 18(10): 10377-10387. (IF=3.561,二区) 【专利】 1.一种基于Mylar的太赫兹波段的半波片,发明专利,专利号:201811105263.3 2. 一种全透到全吸的可调超表面、动态切换方法和可调器件,发明专利,专利号:201911184784.7 |