黄素娟 教授|博导













  1985.9-1989.6 上海科技大学无线电电子学系 本科

1993.9-1995.7 十大网赌博正规信誉网址通信与电子系统专业 硕士研究生

2002.9-2008.12 十大网赌博正规信誉网址通信与信息系统专业 博士研究生

1989.7-1994.5   任教于上海科技大学无线电电子学系 

1994.5 至今    任教于十大网赌博正规信誉网址

2010  上海大学师德标兵

2011  上海大学“三八红旗手”

2014  上海市教育系统优秀工会积极分子

2015  宝钢优秀教师奖

2019  上海市教卫工作党委系统优秀党务工作者


1.  基于时空频域融合的高分辨率光纤模式测量研究,国家自然科学基金项目,2021.1-2014.12

2. 光纤模式分析仪FMA-1801(M) , 横向课题,2021.2-10

3.  光纤模式分析仪设计与开发, 横向课题,2020.12-2021.5

4.  面向5G/6G光通信与智能传感应用的高精度光纤折射率测试及技术标准研究,上海市科委科研计划项目, 2020.10-2023.9

5.  交通异构数据智能分析与交通运管人机智能交互平台,横向课题,2020.5-2021.12

6.  上海市先进光波导智能制造与测试专业技术服务平台,上海市科委科研计划项目, 2019.11-2021.10

7.  光纤三维折射率测试算法开发,横向课题2019.9-2019.10

8.  特种光纤折射率分布仿真与光学系统设计加工,横向课题,2018.8-2020.8

9. 无旁瓣光学涡旋阵列的研究,国家自然科学基金项目,2015.1-2018.12

10. 基于涡旋光束的膀胱癌细胞操控和筛选,上海市科委项目,2014.11-2017.7



 《数字图像处理》 研究生课程



1. Zhonghua Pei, Sujuan Huang*, Yi Chen, Cheng Yan, Comparison of Microparticle Manipulating Characteristics using Canonical Vortex Beam and Power-Exponent-Phase Vortex Beam, Journal of Modern Optics, 68(4), 224-232, 2021.2 (SCI)

2. Yan Cheng, Huang Su-Juan*, Yin Wei-Hao, Wang Ting-Yun, Modal content analysis of optical fiber based on cross-correlated and off-axis digital holography, Optical Fiber Technology, 62 (2021) 102475-1-7, 2021.1 (SCI)

3. Weihao Yin, Sujuan Huang*, Cheng Yan, Beat Length Measurement Study of Few-Mode Polarization-Maintaining Fiber Based on Low Coherence Off-Axis Digital HolographyOptics Communications, 484 (2021) 126695-1-6, 2020.12  (SCI)

4. Zhonghua Pei, Sujuan Huang, Cheng Yan, Xianpeng LiuPropagation of a centrosymmetric optical vortex beam through a paraxial ABCD system with an axicon, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 37(9), 1148-1155, 2020.9  (SCI)

5. Musheng Chen, Sujuan Huang, Xianpeng Liu, Yi Chen, Wei Shao, Optical trapping and rotating of microparticles by using the circular Airy vortex beams, Applied Physics B, (2019.10) 125: 184 (SCI)

6. Yu Zhao, Sujuan Huang*, Cheng Yan, Parallel measurement of multiple linear polarization modes in few-mode optical fibers using spatial light modulators, Optical Engineering, 58(9), 094103-8, 2019.9 (SCI)

7. Chang Zheng, Huang Sujuan, Wen Jianxiang, Dong Yanhua, Yan Cheng, Wang Tingyun*, Multi-parameters of spun optical fibers measured by digital holographic tomographyOptik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 178 (2019): 850-857, 2019, (SCI)

8. Wei-Ping Wang, Su-Juan Huang,* Yi Chen, Jia-Wen Wang, and Cheng Yan, Three-dimensional refractive index measurement of special optical fiber based on optical vortex phase-shifting digital holographic microscopy, Optical Engineering 58(3), 034108-6, 2019.3 (SCI)

9. Sujuan Huang, Xinyu Shen, Yunyi Lin, Weiping Wang, Jiawen Wang, Tingyun Wang, High-precision phase extraction of biological tissues based on lateral shear with zig-zag scanning in off-axis digital holography, Optics Communications, 443 (2019) 12–18, 2019.3 (SCI)

10. Jiawen Wang, Liang Dong,  Haige Chen, Sujuan Huang*, Birefringence measurement of biological tissue based on polarization-sensitive digital holographic microscopy, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, (2018) 124:240-1-9, 2018.11 (SCI)

11. Yi Chen, Sujuan Huang*, Musheng Chen, Xianpeng Liu, Focal shift in tightly focused hybridly polarized Laguerre–Gaussian vector beams with zero radial indexJournal of the Optical Society of America A, 35(9): 1585-1591, 2018.9 (SCI)

12. Wei Shao, Sujuan Huang*, Xianpeng Liu, Musheng Chen, Free-Space Optical Communication with Perfect Optical Vortex Beams Multiplexing, Optics Communications, 427: 545–550, 2018.7 (SCI)

13. Musheng Chen, Sujuan Huang*, Wei Shao, Xianpeng Liu, Optical force and torque on a dielectric Rayleigh particles by a circular Airy vortex beam, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer,  208, 101–107, 2018 ( SCI二区)

14. Yunyi Lin, Liang Dong, Haige Chen, Huang Sujuan*, Phase Distribution Analysis of Tissues Based on Off-axis Digital Holographic Hybrid Reconstruction Algorithm, Biomedical Optics Express, 9(1), 301446-13, 2018.1 (SCI二区)

15. Huang Sujuan*, Wang Weiping, Zeng Junzhang, Yan Cheng, Lin Yunyi, Wang Tingyun, Measurement of the refractive index of solutions based on digital holographic microscopy, Journal of Optics, 20, 015704-6, 2018 (SCI)

16. Wei Shao, Su-Juan Huang*, Mu-Sheng Chen, Xian-Peng Liu, Wan-Cai Xie, Research of optical vortex’s energy efficiency and diffraction angle based on spatial light modulator, Optical Engineering, 56(8), 086113-6, 2017.8 (SCI)

17. Musheng Chen, Sujuan Huang*, Wei Shao, Tight focusing of radially polarized circular Airy vortex beams, Optics Communications, 402: 672-677, 2017.7 (SCI)

18. Musheng Chen, Sujuan Huang*, Wei Shao, Xianpeng Liu, Experimental study on the propagation characteristics of ring Airy Gaussian vortex beams, Appl. Phys. B, 123: 215-7, 2017.7 (SCI)

19. 解万财黄素娟*,邵蔚,朱福全,木生,基于混合光模式阵列的自由空间编码通信,物理学报,66(14)144102-82017.7 (SCI)

20. Zhang Jie, Huang Su-Juan*, Zhu Fu-Quan, Shao Wei, Chen Mu-Sheng, The Dimensional Properties of Laguerre-Gaussian Vortex Beams, Applied Optics, 56(12), 3556-3561, 2017.4 (SCI)




